Free Windows & Office Activator KMS Auto Net & KMS Auto Lite For You

What is KMSAuto Activator?
The KMSAuto Net Portable program was invented by a developer known by the nickname Ratiborus. Since most users have Windows installed without a license.
Such software can be detected and blocked, since it is officially prohibited to use pirated versions. A countdown will be installed on your computer to indicate that you have 30-29-28 left, and so on. days to buy a license or you will no longer be able to use Microsoft products.
To quickly solve such a problem, the program KMSAuto Net 2024 Portable was created. To get started, you need to download and run it. Then you need to start it and check the “Activate Windows” box. The algorithm of the program begins to work, that is, it convinces the developer robot that your software is licensed and the lock, as well as the countdown, will be removed.
Now you can use its capabilities indefinitely until the next time, until the robot again calculates you. In order to “catch his eye” less, you need to disable the “Install updates” option when installing the operating system. Thus, the likelihood that you will have to resort to the services of the KMSAuto program is reduced.
The principle of operation of this activator is that KMSAuto Net Portable, updated in 2024, installs a fake server so that Windows cannot verify the authenticity of the information product. Then the license key is installed and the Microsoft developer is quietly removed to look for violators elsewhere, and your system can safely continue to work.
What can activate using this activator?
- Microsoft Windows Vista;
- Microsoft Windows 7;
- Microsoft Windows 8;
- Microsoft Windows 8.1;
- Microsoft Windows 10;
- Microsoft Windows 11;
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008;
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012;
- Microsoft Office 2010;
- Microsoft Office 2013;
- Microsoft Office 2016;
- Microsoft Office 2019;
- Microsoft Office 2021;
Benefits of downloading KMSAuto:
- ✍ Portable Version – you don’t need to install this activator, enought just run executable file from the archive to get ready to use it.
- ✍ Easy to use – the activation process itself starts completely automatically, to start you will need to press a few buttons and disable Windows Defender.
- ✍ Virus-Free – those activators exist on the internet many years, they are absolutelly safe, you can see what other people think about it on Quora forum. Windows Defender and Antivirus don’t like activators, becouse its illegal.
- ✍ Save money – KMSAuto is absolutelly free and let you to save money of activating Windows or Office. We are not asking you to hack the operating system, you better buy it from the owners.
- ✍ Reliable Activation – this activator will accurately activate without problems, verified by many site visitors.
Download KMSAuto Net + KMSAuto Lite Portable
Dear user of our site, by clicking on the button below you will be redirected to the file download page. On that page, there is also an abbreviated instruction on what to do with the file and how to download it.
How to use KMS Auto Net?
Well, dear reader, are you ready to learn how to use this utility, learn all the necessary steps to activate Windows or Office in order to use them for free? Well, let’s start …
Steps to activate Office & Windows using KMSAuto
Users must remember that activator is available only in English language but for correct functioning, it is best to have required hardware.
- ✍ Net Framework 4 package must be installed in PC.
- ✍ You must own administrator privileges.
Step 1: After downloading you have to Disable Windows Defender and Antivirus. It is safe, just but becouse these activators are illegal, they are considered dangerous by antivirus.
- ✍ How to turn off Windows Defender in Windows 7 – Instruction.
- ✍ How to turn off Windows Defender in Windows 8.1 – Instruction.
- ✍ How to turn off Windows Defender in Windows 10 – Instruction.
- ✍ How to turn off Windows Defender in Windows 11 – Instruction.
Step 2: Next what you have to do is unzip everything from zip file to any folder. Maybe you will need Win-RAR to unzip (click for download Win-RAR). Also the archive will ask password from you, the password is – windows.
Step 3: Okay, and now go to folder with KMSAuto Net, run as an administrator file KMSAuto Net.exe. Now press “Activation”.
Step 4: Press “Activate Windows”, if you want activate Windows or press “Activate Office”, if you want activate Office. Confirm every message from activator, while activation process. Wait, untill activation will be done. After, close the program.
Step 5: Congratulations! As we can see, Windows is activated, MS Office also is activated.
It is better to carry out this operation with Windows immediately after installation or update, do not delay it. Perhaps in the future, with system updates, it will no longer be possible to do this.
Detailed video instruction to activate Windows 10 using KMSAuto Net activator
For greater clarity, all the actions taken can be viewed in the video below, the video itself lasts 3 minutes and is posted on YouTube video hosting. The video shows the actions from disabling Windows Defender until the end of the activation itself.